
Pa(a)s mal


Not Mad Easter in Afrikaans, but not bad in French. I know that Easter is paas in Afrikaans, but it was a convenient hook to hang the start of this blog. Mal is bad in French, but mad in Afrikaans. Sometimes these similarities help in remembering words, other times… well I struggle to learn French.

This is an explanation why this blog will be even more sporadic for the foreseeable future. I am studying French through . One of the better language schools, there are plenty. Janet is booked off until January, as such decided to use the time off to level up on French. They offered a discount if a spouse signed up at the same time.

I have cashed in my SA life policies to pay for this. I can get a job as a shelf packer speaking reasonable French. I cannot live here for more than a year on the proceeds after 30 years  of paying premiums to Liberty and Sanlam.

Well to the nub of the matter, I am rather short of time, but want to maintain this discipline.

I want to, for myself, write once a week. I know some weeks will be weak.

So brace yourself for a scattershot of thoughts, hopefully mostly cogent.

On the health front, Janet getting stronger each day. She needed to switch medicine for the headaches, ahead of the hormone treatment. She still walks ferociously, shedding inches. The sunburn has receded    The hormone treatment will stop production of hormones, but not initiate menopause yet.

Work is what it has been for too long, trying to grab some of the winnow of the few trades going through.

I ache at times with my love for South Africa and missing the people. However I am scared about the level of corruption. However, it still produces tremendous people. Possibly you are all aware of Master KG, and his song. If you have seen too often, I apologise. We hear this many times on the French randio station we listen to on weekends, Champagne FM (try streaming if you have uncapped data).

A topic I hope to have each week, and eventually a list and photo’s is things that give me joy. This will follow as time becomes more free.

First and foremost is Janet, ’nuff said.

Time has run, out. Love you all.